The Penticton Academy of Music Society is a charitable

non-profit organization that was formed in 1994 with the mission to provide music education to students of all ages and circumstances through outstanding faculty in an environment that stimulates music excellence, enriching the community at large.



Thank you for considering to adopt an animal in need of a forever home. Each year, we care for tens of thousands of homeless animals.  We are grateful to compassionate individuals like you who provide loving homes – and a second chance – for these amazing animals.

For more information go to:


 Meat Free Monday

Meat Free Monday highlights how going without meat for at least one day a week can make a huge difference to the planet, our health and even our pockets. With high profile chefs now embracing and celebrating vegetables, “flexitarianism” on the rise and the horse meat scandal encouraging us to think more about the food we buy, it’s the perfect time to get on board! Check out the new Meat Free Monday website below:

For more information go to:


Alley Cats Alliance

AlleyCATS Alliance is a 100% non-profit society dedicated to providing 
rescue, rehabilitation, medical care and adoption to 
feral, orphaned cats and kittens throughout the Okanagan Valley.

For more information go to: